Thursday, February 25, 2016

Open Supreme Court Justices Seat.

Justice Antonin Scalia
Supreme Court Justice

My critique is about the editorial from the San Antonio Express-News from Feb. 14th, 2016.
It is about the lasting legacy of Justice Antonin Scalia a former Supreme Court Justice, who was 79 had passed away at the Texas ranch resort that Saturday. The post goes on to talk about how he was a remarkable citizen and a protector of the Constitution and democracy. Even though he will be missed, the question remains on who will take his place. This editorial begins to talk about whether or not President Obama should nominate a new Supreme Court Justice during his last year as president. The writer of this editorial believes that the president, no matter how long he has left in office, should be the one to choose the next Supreme justice because he is still the president. The writer even goes on to talk about Article 2 in the constitution which says that the president has the power to nominate Supreme Court Justices, which must be approved by the senate. In this article the writer sides with the fact that President Obama is still in office and should make a decision and not delay even with his term coming to an end. And because Obama is still president he has the power which was given to him by the American people who voted him into office. The Writers intended audience, would have to be those who do not think that President Obama has the right to make such a change and also to make others aware of what is happening in the senate. For this topic in my opinion because he is the president still, President Obama has the right and was given the write to nominate Supreme Court Justices, and that cannot be changed. Despite the up coming election it is still important for the President to uphold and complete his Presidential duties until his term has ended.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

On September 4th, 2014 Texas Capitol Report published an article called 2004: 50 years of integration it was about the first black students to be admitted to Texas schools and is now the University of Texas College in El Paso, TX. At first the student was denied admission because she was black, but it was also due to the pressure of segregationists and other people who did not want her to go to this school. I believe that this is important to read because it was not very long ago that "The U.S Supreme Court decision in Brown v. the Topeka (Kan.) board of Education said laws mandating segregated public schools were unconstitutional." according to Texas Capitol Report. It is important to remember where we all came from and how far our nation has come since the end of segregation.