Thursday, April 21, 2016

Bloge stage 6

Blog stage 6: Response to Khj's post Making Gossip Illegal 
 I found this article Making Gossip Illegal to be very impactful because it had talked about the negative side of the medical field and how mean and corrupt some people can be, no matter what their job title may be. This was a very good article.

I agree that there should be a rule in any job area that protects the patients and the staff from harassment in the medical field, as well as any other work environment to create a safe place to work and enjoy or go about their days in peace. Especially in the medical field this rule should be enforced so that all may feel comfortable, how ever it should not only be applied to the staff but to the patients as well, everyone should have the freedom to feel safe from any harm whether it be verbal, physical, or mental. Keeping everyone safe in any environment is a common courtesy that all should be entitled to and everyone should feel safe in the hands of those who are taking care of them, no matter how short that time may be, all have the right to feel safe no matter where they are.

- Anne Ducat

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