Thursday, May 5, 2016

All Beliefs make a difference!

“In God we trust” this is the phrase that is used on every coin and dollar bills in this nation, it was founded on the beliefs and the judgment of our founding fathers, who decided that their personal beliefs shall not be trampled on and that everyone has the right to believe what they want to believe. But as time changed so did the people, after the revolutionary war that founded America, many people were interested in the political side in how their nation should be run and the laws that needed to be enforced because of the injustices that they had faced under the king of England. 
America today has grown stale and unresponsive to those injustices that are occurring more and more over the years. Texas is such a state where the politicians have grown lazy and done not take their jobs as representatives seriously, even though they were elected to their jobs, or rather I should say that the citizens have not been properly educated about the different policies that they have been voting for in the many cities in Texas. And because of this the people are not as interested in what is happening in their cities and state to vote on regulations and other things that will affect them in the long run. The people who are elected and voted in to their positions have a responsibility to the people who live in these cities and states, meaning they should not take their jobs lightly or become irresponsible in matters that affect everyone.

Everyone’s beliefs need to be protected meaning that we cannot create rules or laws that infringe upon the first amendment the freedom of religion. Their for everyone has the right to practice their beliefs even if someone may be offended, this is America you don’t have to believe or even like a religion that another person believes which can be expressed, however this does not mean that you can tell them to stop either.  Even though this nation gives religious freedom to all, it was still originally founded upon Christian beliefs, this was our promise land from being oppressed, giving us our motto which is on our money currency “In God We trust”, it was not meant to infringe upon others beliefs, but for my self as a Christian it is a symbol of thanking my God for all the blessings he has given to this country. It is also a way of saying that we could not have created these states or this country without the help of God or the people who have come before us, paving the way for the many freedoms that we all enjoy today. And no matter what your belief is, or what you have to say about others beliefs, know that everyone matters and that we all should strive to have understanding about the people around us and understand that as a state and a country we need to work together and support one another no matter what or this nation will be at war with its self once again, not for different reasons, but for the same reasons as from when the first revolutionary war that separated us from England and all the battles fought after that. The rights of everyone in the state of Texas and this country should be taken into account and the laws that we make should reflect those beliefs to the best of our abilities, just as they did at the very beginning of this country and its 50 states. Everyone’s rights and beliefs are important.

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