Friday, May 13, 2016

All Lives Matter

I am commenting about my class mates blog post Slow your Roll Cowboy on the 11 executions that have been done in the US with half of them being executed in the state of Texas. I would need to agree with my class mate Luis Ruelas, that the US, but more specifically that Texas needs to slow down on the executions. But not just because time can do more good than harm in some cases, but also because the people they are executing are people too and their lives matter as well. Any form of killing I my opinion is inhuman, as a christian it is important to realize that that person will for ever more sit in purgatory with the devil, meaning that its another soul lost when someone could have changed their life for the better. I know that not everyone shares my beliefs but the beliefs of those who are being denied life are just as important and should be heard.
Everyone deserves a second chance no matter the wrongs or the sins that they have committed. In the bible, again i know there are people who would disagree but that is okay you have a right to your opinions, it talks about how everyones sins are equal and none is greater than the other no matter what it is sin is sin, but that all sins have been forgiven by God and no human law can ever deny this law written by God. Now i know people will justify there reasons for executing these people but that does not make it right. We as humans do not have the right to take a life away, we may think that we are more superior to other creatures but the truth is we are no more important than an ant walking on the ground. however God Loves us more, this does not however give us the right to kill others. Before executing another person the courts should really look at all this from both sides and determine the right course of action that does not lead to someones death. Life above all else except God should be valued and no life is worthless.

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