Friday, May 13, 2016

Spring semester Good bye

On a separate note, I have enjoyed this class Immensely, thank you all for a wonderful semester.

All Lives Matter

I am commenting about my class mates blog post Slow your Roll Cowboy on the 11 executions that have been done in the US with half of them being executed in the state of Texas. I would need to agree with my class mate Luis Ruelas, that the US, but more specifically that Texas needs to slow down on the executions. But not just because time can do more good than harm in some cases, but also because the people they are executing are people too and their lives matter as well. Any form of killing I my opinion is inhuman, as a christian it is important to realize that that person will for ever more sit in purgatory with the devil, meaning that its another soul lost when someone could have changed their life for the better. I know that not everyone shares my beliefs but the beliefs of those who are being denied life are just as important and should be heard.
Everyone deserves a second chance no matter the wrongs or the sins that they have committed. In the bible, again i know there are people who would disagree but that is okay you have a right to your opinions, it talks about how everyones sins are equal and none is greater than the other no matter what it is sin is sin, but that all sins have been forgiven by God and no human law can ever deny this law written by God. Now i know people will justify there reasons for executing these people but that does not make it right. We as humans do not have the right to take a life away, we may think that we are more superior to other creatures but the truth is we are no more important than an ant walking on the ground. however God Loves us more, this does not however give us the right to kill others. Before executing another person the courts should really look at all this from both sides and determine the right course of action that does not lead to someones death. Life above all else except God should be valued and no life is worthless.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

All Beliefs make a difference!

“In God we trust” this is the phrase that is used on every coin and dollar bills in this nation, it was founded on the beliefs and the judgment of our founding fathers, who decided that their personal beliefs shall not be trampled on and that everyone has the right to believe what they want to believe. But as time changed so did the people, after the revolutionary war that founded America, many people were interested in the political side in how their nation should be run and the laws that needed to be enforced because of the injustices that they had faced under the king of England. 
America today has grown stale and unresponsive to those injustices that are occurring more and more over the years. Texas is such a state where the politicians have grown lazy and done not take their jobs as representatives seriously, even though they were elected to their jobs, or rather I should say that the citizens have not been properly educated about the different policies that they have been voting for in the many cities in Texas. And because of this the people are not as interested in what is happening in their cities and state to vote on regulations and other things that will affect them in the long run. The people who are elected and voted in to their positions have a responsibility to the people who live in these cities and states, meaning they should not take their jobs lightly or become irresponsible in matters that affect everyone.

Everyone’s beliefs need to be protected meaning that we cannot create rules or laws that infringe upon the first amendment the freedom of religion. Their for everyone has the right to practice their beliefs even if someone may be offended, this is America you don’t have to believe or even like a religion that another person believes which can be expressed, however this does not mean that you can tell them to stop either.  Even though this nation gives religious freedom to all, it was still originally founded upon Christian beliefs, this was our promise land from being oppressed, giving us our motto which is on our money currency “In God We trust”, it was not meant to infringe upon others beliefs, but for my self as a Christian it is a symbol of thanking my God for all the blessings he has given to this country. It is also a way of saying that we could not have created these states or this country without the help of God or the people who have come before us, paving the way for the many freedoms that we all enjoy today. And no matter what your belief is, or what you have to say about others beliefs, know that everyone matters and that we all should strive to have understanding about the people around us and understand that as a state and a country we need to work together and support one another no matter what or this nation will be at war with its self once again, not for different reasons, but for the same reasons as from when the first revolutionary war that separated us from England and all the battles fought after that. The rights of everyone in the state of Texas and this country should be taken into account and the laws that we make should reflect those beliefs to the best of our abilities, just as they did at the very beginning of this country and its 50 states. Everyone’s rights and beliefs are important.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Bloge stage 6

Blog stage 6: Response to Khj's post Making Gossip Illegal 
 I found this article Making Gossip Illegal to be very impactful because it had talked about the negative side of the medical field and how mean and corrupt some people can be, no matter what their job title may be. This was a very good article.

I agree that there should be a rule in any job area that protects the patients and the staff from harassment in the medical field, as well as any other work environment to create a safe place to work and enjoy or go about their days in peace. Especially in the medical field this rule should be enforced so that all may feel comfortable, how ever it should not only be applied to the staff but to the patients as well, everyone should have the freedom to feel safe from any harm whether it be verbal, physical, or mental. Keeping everyone safe in any environment is a common courtesy that all should be entitled to and everyone should feel safe in the hands of those who are taking care of them, no matter how short that time may be, all have the right to feel safe no matter where they are.

- Anne Ducat

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Gun Control: Open Carry

Gun Control: Open Carry

I choose to do an editorial on the new open carry policy in Texas where it is legal to carry a gun in plain view.  I chose this piece because I think that people should have the right to either open carry or conceal their weapon, even if other people may feel uncomfortable.  Although it is legal to open carry in public, many establishments do not allow open carry in their stores, restaurants and other businesses.  Businesses have the right to deny open carry in their establishments, even though it seems as though nothing has changed with the creation of this open carry gun law. However, even though businesses have the right to deny this law in their establishments, they do not have the right to deny it in public places.  
The Open carry law was meant as a way for people to openly carry guns in public places such as walking down the street or going to the park, the law did not how ever state whether business had to comply with this law by allowing or denying it from their properties. The Businesses and companies only need to post a notice in the window saying that their establishment does not allow open carry on the premises.

I do not own any guns, however I would like the choice in being able to carry one whether it be visible or not, that is a choice that goes with the amendment that gives us the right to bear arms and the right to defend our selves. I do however think that to feel safer with guns being unseen or seen has to do with the situation that is at hand, such as at a restaurant or the store I would feel slightly uncomfortable if the weapon was visible, in these cases I would rather have the weapon be unseen but still on hand incase something happened that I would need to defend myself. It would just depend on where I was and the amount of threat that would be placed to my life and the lives of those around me, I would like the choice to openly carry or conceal the weapon upon those circumstances. Open carry is a choice that should be made by individuals and by businesses separately and that those who do open carry should comply with those businesses, which do not allow open or concealed, carry on their properties. The rights and safety of everyone should be considered not just those who the law might offend or those who would abuse the new gun law.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

GMO's Bad For You?

   I chose to do my critic on the blog GMO Foods & The Anti-science written by DR. Merrill Mathews with the institute for policy innovation. This article was about the Democrats who were afraid that GMO's (genetically modified organisms) were destroying our bodies and the environment. When in reality the GMO's have been approved by the FDA but are still limited or are not commercially available. These GMO's include certain varieties of squash, cantaloupe, flax, papaya, tomatoes, sugar beets and other foods. 

However even with these foods being accepted by the FDA the left critics have argued to the point where it is now required for GMO labels to be on all genetically modified organisms. even though these foods have been tested by FDA teams of scientists knowledgeable in genetic engineering, toxicology, chemistry, nutrition, and other scientific areas have carefully evaluated the safety assessments taking into account the relevant data and information, that the left critics are scaring the public into thinking that it is true. 

The writer thinks that because of this new Vermont law that the companies instead of following this new rule which penalizes each product with a fine of $1,000 per day per product, that they would pull out of Vermont entirely, however because of this the state and the companies would face consequences, but the decision will not have been backed by scientific claims that are untrue.

The writer of this blog had a more sarcastic view on how the left handled this situation, meaning that he thought that their claims were contradictory in the fact that the left accused the conservatives of being anti-science when in fact they went against policies that were backed by available science, basically saying that they were the ones being anti-science not the conservatives. In this blog I agree with the writers claim because even though they had good intentions about trying to protect the public from possible health harm, they still ignored the available science that had proof that the GMO products were ok for people to eat. They had good intentions but could not back up their claims, making their argument less compelling to the public view.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Open Supreme Court Justices Seat.

Justice Antonin Scalia
Supreme Court Justice

My critique is about the editorial from the San Antonio Express-News from Feb. 14th, 2016.
It is about the lasting legacy of Justice Antonin Scalia a former Supreme Court Justice, who was 79 had passed away at the Texas ranch resort that Saturday. The post goes on to talk about how he was a remarkable citizen and a protector of the Constitution and democracy. Even though he will be missed, the question remains on who will take his place. This editorial begins to talk about whether or not President Obama should nominate a new Supreme Court Justice during his last year as president. The writer of this editorial believes that the president, no matter how long he has left in office, should be the one to choose the next Supreme justice because he is still the president. The writer even goes on to talk about Article 2 in the constitution which says that the president has the power to nominate Supreme Court Justices, which must be approved by the senate. In this article the writer sides with the fact that President Obama is still in office and should make a decision and not delay even with his term coming to an end. And because Obama is still president he has the power which was given to him by the American people who voted him into office. The Writers intended audience, would have to be those who do not think that President Obama has the right to make such a change and also to make others aware of what is happening in the senate. For this topic in my opinion because he is the president still, President Obama has the right and was given the write to nominate Supreme Court Justices, and that cannot be changed. Despite the up coming election it is still important for the President to uphold and complete his Presidential duties until his term has ended.